Helping leaders strategically optimize periods of change and transition in their work, organization and life...achieving greater impact and well-being.

Dan Roberts

Executive Coach-Consultant

Dan Roberts, Change Advisor & Strategist

You are at an inflexion point in your work, career and/or business. You’re a dedicated, conscientious leader who has sacrificed for your work, but it’s time to do things differently for the next phase of your career/business and life.

You may have fallen into being consistently in tactical, reactive mode. Putting out fires all day and flying by the seat of your pants. You’re just managing (see surviving) your work, your career and your life. That’s not effective and sustainable and you want to make changes before you burnout.

Or you were promoted…or hoping to be promoted…and you know you need to lead differently at this new level. You can no longer tactically manage, you need to strategically lead and gain influence.

On top of that, the business climate has changed dramatically since the pandemic, with different  expectations, priorities and challenges. Constant change and disruption are going to be the norm into the future…and leaders have to adapt to be high-performing, fulfilled and well balanced.

Being strategic in your present work/business and your career, while having a good work-life balance have become an afterthought. You need and want that to change for so many reasons!

You know what got you here, won’t get you there!  But your not sure what to change or how to change.

That’s where I help! 

Areas of expertise that help leaders achieve real change and growth:

With over 25 years experience helping leaders and organizations make strategic, impactful and sustainable changes, along with my education in organizational psychology and evidence based coaching approaches, I am uniquely qualified to…

customize change strategies that help you gain confidence, control and direction.

4 Steps to Reduce Stress, Improve Performance and Create Real Change that Positively Impacts Your Work and Personal Life
Take a first step now by getting your copy of ...

Optimize Your Leadership:
Gain Control, Be More Strategic & Reduce Stress


What Clients Say...

"Dan clearly has a plethora of knowledge and experience in lifting executives to a higher level of creative thinking and stress management. I would absolutely recommend Dan Roberts as a highly capable and intuitive Coach/Advisor."

Lisa Corcoran Leviner
National Service Manager of FME Services